France Recovery After World War II, Which Were The Keys?

First World War (1914-18) had created instability across Europe and had in a way paved the way for one of the most gruesome international conflicts the world had ever or since witnessed.

He joined hands with Japan and Italy to further his ambition to take control of Europe.

The Second World War (1939-45) which broke out almost after 20 years after First World War, was far more dangerous, devastating and ugly. The roots of it were sown during the First World War, owing to unresolved issues, faulty treaties and insane ambition of one man, Adolf Hitler.

Hitler armed his party, the National Socialist (Nazi Party) to rise economically and politically in order to further his ambition to establish world dominance. He joined hands with Japan and Italy to further his ambition to take control of Europe. It was the German invasion of Poland which forced Great Britain and France, who were Polish allies, to declare war on Germany which soon led to the beginning of WW-II.

The conflict lasted six years and resulted in the destruction of more lives, land and property than any of the earlier wars have recorded.

Of the estimated 45-60 million people killed, approximately six million were Jews, who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps.Hitler had initiated the systematic uprooting and destruction of the Jews as part of his plan to resolve the ‘Jew Problem’, infamously known as the Holocaust.

The penetration of the German military from Ardennes, considered as impassable by the French till then was the first chink in the French armour.

The World War-II started with German invasion of Poland in 1939. Although the entire social and economic structure of world was involved in this war but the first two big nations to have been dragged into it were Great Britain and France.

The two forces involved in WW-II were the Allies and the Axis forces. France formed part of the allied forces which also included Great Britain, Belgium, Australia, Canada, USSR, China, Denmark, and Yugoslavia.

WW-II was notable for reasons other than the large scape of causalities and economic damage, was the debacle of French army. French were over-confident about their military prowess and preparation to avert the advancing German forces.

The penetration of the German military from Ardennes, considered as impassable by the French till then was the first chink in the French armour. Once the German forces were inside France, there was no looking back from them. Another mistake that the French tacticians made, was not being able to ascertain and communicate the need for troops to be sent to Belgium and the number of troops to stay back in France to ward off German forces.

Unnecessary pressure on France to mobilize troops for Belgium and the rush to do so, left them wanting. Also, as soon as the Germans entered France, the French government left Paris for the German forces to easily occupy.

Bubblegum DungeonsCultural Revolution in Post-war France

This was an important aspect of making society happy. With all the cultural revolution that is still evolving up to this day French people are first to really understand the meaning of entertainment and pleasure in their lives. We could even say that example of Bubblegum Dungeon – the series that debuts today, in 2019 is a prime example of taking a different approach to all the important things. BDSM genre of porn focusing on colors and rainbows, not some dark, obscure places? Yes, it is!

Germany should not have been ostracised by its neighbours after WW-I.

France, although being completely capable of waging a war and to answer any such call, France failed tremendously in WW-II had its share of teachings for the nation in specific and world in general.

The key take-away was that there is no substitute of Non-Violence., secondly always stand up to your aggressor. Had French government not left Paris in such a hurry, the story could have been different. Another take-away was to not to punish an entire nation for the mistakes of an individual.

Germany should not have been ostracised by its neighbours after WW-I. Never to be complacent and should follow the diktat ‘it is never over until it is over’. Always follow through with the promised and necessary diplomatic efforts. Last and certainly not the least, the key take-away from WW-II was that fear is a good thing. One should always be fearful of wars.

These learning should not only be adhered to by one nation but by the world. In today’s volatile times, one and all should try to avoid war, confrontations and squabbles at any cost in order to have peace for all.

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